Wrongful Termination
The Barton Law Firm sues employers who terminate workers or force workers to quit by creating intolerable work conditions when the employer's reason for termination jeopardizes a clear public policy and has no overriding legitimate reason.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
Washington State case law governs wrongful termination claims. A claim for wrongful termination exists when an employer terminates a worker or forces the worker to quit by creating intolerable work conditions and the termination jeopardizes a clear public policy and has no overriding legitimate reason. Possible public policies that support wrongful termination claims include state constitutional provisions, state statutes, and local ordinances concerning unlawful discrimination (i.e. discrimination based on sex, sexual-orientation, age, disability), worker's compensation rights, wage rights, union or concerted activity, public employment grievances, public employment policies, protecting health and safety, protecting life, aiding law enforcement, complying with state ethics codes, reporting government misconduct, complying with fire safety codes, complying with zoning codes, whistleblowing).
Washington State:
WPI 330.51 (Wrongful termination);
WPI 330.52 (Wrongful termination - constructive discharge).