Pregnancy Discrimination
The Barton Law Firm sues employers who discriminate against women because of pregnancy, employers who retaliate against employees for opposing this kind of discrimination, and employers who fail to provide pregnant women a reasonable accommodation for their pregnancy.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
There are two ways to discriminate: by disparate treatment and by disparate impact. Disparate treatment occurs when an employer treats an employee who belongs to a protected class less favorably than other employees. Disparate impact occurs when an employer has a neutral employment practice that falls more harshly on members of a protected class.
42 U.S.C.A. 2000e (Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978).
Washington State:
RCW 43.10.005 (Workplace Pregnancy Accommodations);
WAC 162-30-020 (Pregnancy and childbirth);
WAC 162-12-140(3)(n) (Preemployment Inquiries - pregnancy);
Hegwine v. Longview Fibre Co., 162 Wn.2d 340, 172 P.3d 688 (2007);
Kuest v. Regent Assisted Living, Inc., 111 Wn.App. 36, 43 P.3d 23 (2002);
WPI 330.01 (Disparate treatment);
WPI 330.03 (Disparate impact);
Washington State Attorney General Guide to Pregnancy Accommodations.
King County:
KCC 3.12.247 (Limited duty due to pregnancy; county employees only);
KCC 3.12D.010 (Discrimination and harassment policy; county employees only).
Snohomish County:
SCC 3A.06.040 (Sick and disability leave; county employees only).
SMC Ch. 4.10 (Limited duty due to pregnancy; city employees only).