Military Service & Honorably-Discharged Veteran Discrimination
The Barton Law Firm sues employers who discriminate against military personnel, including reservists, and honorably discharged veterans, and BLF sues employers who retaliate against employees for opposing this kind of discrimination.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (Employment Rights of Members of the Uniformed Services);
Third Circuit Model Civil Jury Instructions 5.1.7(352) (USERRA);
Eleventh Circuit Model Jury Instructions, Civil 4.18-4.20 (USERRA);
Guide to Employment Rights of the National Guard and Reserve.
Washington State:
RCW 41.04.007 (Veteran - definition);
RCW 49.44.085 (Employees may pursue causes of action under RCW 49.60);
RCW 49.60.180 (Unfair Practices of Employers);
RCW 73.16.032 (Employment Rights - uniformed services).
King County:
KCC 3.12.180 (Equality of employment; county employees only).
Snohomish County:
SCC 2.460.070 (Unlawful Discrimination by Employers).
SMC Ch. 14.04 (Fair Employment Practices).