The Barton Law Firm sues employers who harass employees based on race, ethnicity, color, religion, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, and military or veteran status, and sue employers who retaliate against employees for opposing this kind of discrimination.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
29 U.S.C. 621 (Age Discrimination in Employment);
38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (Employment Rights of Members of the Uniformed Services)
42 U.S.C. 1981 (Equal rights under the law);
42. U.S.C. 2000e et seq. (Civil Rights Act of 1964 - employment);
42 U.S.C. 2000e-2 (Unlawful employment practices);
Ninth Circuit Manual of Model Jury Instructions, Civil 10.2A (Disparate treatment).
Washington State:
RCW 49.12 (Industrial Welfare - worker's rights);
RCW 49.44.085 (Employees may pursue causes of action under RCW 49.60);
RCW 49.44.090 (Unfair employment practices - age);
RCW 49.60 (Minimum Wage and Labor Standards);
RCW 73.16 (Employment and Reemployment);
WAC 162-30-020(1) (Pregnancy and Childbirth);
WAC 162-32 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity);
WPI 330.22 (Sexual harassment).
King County:
KCC 3.12.180 (Equality of employment; county employees only);
KCC 3.12.247 (Limited duty due to pregnancy; county employees only);
KCC 3.12D.010 (Discrimination and harassment policy; county employees only);
KCC 12.16 (Nondiscrimination by contractors; county contractors only);
KCC 12.18 (Fair Employment Practices);
KCC 12.22 (Discrimination - public accommodations).
Pierce County:
PCC 3.16.010 (Equal Employment Opportunity; county employees only);
PCC 3.16.030 (Discrimination and harassment; county employees only).
Snohomish County:
SCC 2.460.070 (Unlawful discrimination);
SCC 3A.06.040 (Sick and disability leave; county employees only);
SCC 3A.12.060 (Sexual harassment; county employees only);
SCC 3.57 (Affirmative action; county employees only).
SMC 3.110.260 (Discrimination; public corporation employees only);
SMC 4.80.020 (Affirmative action; city employees only);
SMC 14.04.040 (Unfair employment practices);
SMC 14.10.030 (Unfair contracting practices).