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The Barton Law Firm sues employers who blacklist current
or former employees.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
Washington State:
RCW 49.44.010 (Blacklisting - penalty);
RCW 49.60.180 (Unfair employment practices);
Moore v Commercial Aircraft Interiors, 168 Wn.App. 502 (2012);
Dick v. N. Pac. Ry. Co., 86 Wash. 211, 221 (1915).
King County:
KCC 12.18.030 (D) (Unfair employment practices; unincorporated King County only).
KCC 12.18.085 (Private right to action; unincorporated King County only).
SMC 14.04.040 (B,F) (Unfair employment practices).
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